Dr. Maria Bardosova
Leading scientist
08/2022- Institute of Informatics SAS Slovakia
03/2005-07/2022 Staff Researcher. Tyndall National Institute UCC Cork Ireland
07/2002-02/2005 Scientist Institute of Informatics SAS Slovakia
09/2000-06/2002 NATO Fellow PREST University of Manchester
06/1998-08/2000 Scientist, Head of department Institute of Informatics SAS Slovakia
05/1997-06/1998 Canon Fellow NIMC Tsukuba Japan
01/1994-04/1997 Scientist Head of department Institute of Informatics SAS Slovakia
09/1992-12/1993 Royal Society Research Fellow Dept. of Chemistry University of Manchester UK
01/1989-08/1992 Scientist Head of department Institute of Informatics SAS Slovakia
01/1984-12/1998 Scientist, Head of department Tesla Research Institute, Bratislava Slovakia
08/1976-12/1983 PhD Study, researcher Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS Slovakia
MSc. (Physics) 1976 Odessa State University Ukraine
RNDr. (Rigorosum) Physics 1982 Comenius University Bratislava Slovakia
Cand. of Sci (PhD) 1983 Slovak Academy of Sciences
MSc. (Patent law) 1986 Slovak Technical University Bratislava Slovakia
MSc. (Sci & Technol. Policy) 2002 University of Manchester UK
PUBLICATIONS: Scopus (ID: 6701774063): · 71 publications; · 3 book chapters; · 1 book “Nanomaterials and Nanoarchitectures: A complex Review of Current Hot Topics and their Applications” NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 2015 (Co-editor);
· 21 invited talks at international conferences; Hirsch-index: 21.
AWARDS AND STAYS ABROAD: Royal Society Research Fellow (University of Manchester UK 1992-1993) Canon Fellow (NIMC Tsukuba Japan 1997-1998) JSPS Fellow (NIMC Tsukuba Japan 1999) NATO Scholar (University of Manchester UK 2000-2002), STTF Awards (NIMS Tsukuba Japan 2009), (IFSC USP Sao Corlos Brazil, 2012) Coordinator of 2 EU FP7 research projects (PhANTASY, ALBATROSS) and 1 Horizon 2020 research project (SWORD),
Co-director of NATO ASI Nanomaterials and Nanoarchitectures, Cork 2013.
RESEARCH INTEREST: thin-film deposition, nanotechnologies, Langmuir–Blodgett technique, photonic crystals, colloidal crystals, organic photovoltaics, plasmonics, interpenetrating polymer networks, complex networks, chitosan.
(1) Pemble, O.J.; Bardosova, M.; Povey, I.M.; Pemble, M.E. A slot-die technique for the preparation of continuous, high area, chitosan-based thin films Polymers 2022,13, 10 Art No 1566. (6 cit.)(2) Ryan, C.; Alcock, E.; Buttimer, F.; Schmidt, M.; Clarke, D.; Pemble, M.; Bardosova, M. Synthesis and characterisation of cross-linked chitosan composites functionalised with silver and gold nanoparticles for antimicrobil applications. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2017, 18,1,528-540. (41 cit.) (3) Parchine, M.; McGrath, J.; Bardosova, M.; Pemble, M.E. Large Area 2D and 3D Colloidal Photonic Crystals Fabricated by a Roll-to-Roll Langmuir-Blodgett Method. Langmuir. 2016, 32, 23,5862-5869. (87 cit.) (4) Silva, F.N.; Amancio, D.R.; Bardosova, M.; Costa, L.D.; Oliveira O.N. Jr. Using Network science and text analytics to produce surveys in a scientific topic. Journal of Infometrics. 2016, 10, 2, 487-502. (100 cit.) (5) Kocher-Oberlehner, G.; Bardosova, M.; Pemble M.; Richards, B.S. Planar photonic solar concentrators for building-integrated photovoltaics. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2012, 104, 53-57. (37 cit.)